Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Alpha Nutrition Diet.....No More

Well, I didn't make it through the ten days of the diet again.  Seven was as far as I got.  Yesterday I was so discouraged and worn out I just gave up and ate almost an entire box of cookies.  Boy, did it taste good after seven days of rice, water & ENF

I'm not really sure if the diet was helping me or not.  It seemed like it was during the first couple days but after that I'm just not sure.  It certainly didn't make anything worse.  I do recommend though, for anyone trying the diet, to mix the ENF with water not juice.  It tastes much better with juice but gave me horrible heart burn.  I wish I could report something more conclusive. 

The idea of delayed pattern food allergies still seems to make sense to me.  I do believe that all the chemicals in our food supply must be having repercussions of some kind.  The idea that the constant ingestion of these chemicals into our bodies is screwing up our immune systems makes perfect sense.  Let's face it, during millions of years of evolution, our immune systems have never encountered such a bombardment of chemicals (pesticides, preservatives, hormones) and they don't know how to process them.  They attack them, but these are not like the viruses and bacteria the immune system evolved to destroy.  It's no wonder the immune system goes crazy and starts attacking things it's not supposed to.  It's no wonder that we become allergic to foods that, in the past, we weren't really allergic to much.  I think it also accounts for why so many more people are reportedly getting autoimmune diseases.

My mom is a retired grammar school teacher, now substitute teacher.  She tells me that there are classrooms that are classified as "NO PEANUT ZONES".  This indicates that a child in the class is so allergic to peanuts that they will go into anaphylactic shock if they're even around peanuts.  This means that no child in that class can bring peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to school, and their parents receive a notice at the beginning of the year indicating this.  I remember kids being allergic to bee stings and poison ivy but nothing like what my mom tells me about.  Does anyone else find this strange?  Why are so many children so deathly allergic to foods? 

Maybe one of these days I'll get up the will-power to try the Alpha Nutrition Diet again.  We'll see.

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