Monday, March 26, 2012

Amitriptyline & Savella for ME CFS & Fibromyalgia

I'm still going strong with the vegan diet (day 26) and I really think it's helping me.  I posted the question on a couple different forums to see if anyone else had experienced cessation of symptoms after switching to a plant-based diet and I got mixed responses.  Some reported improvements while another wrote she had quit a vegetarian diet after becoming sick and found that meat protein had helped her.  It seems that like so many other aspects of ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia, diet also effects sufferers very differently.

I had a visit with my doctor last week and we decided I would try the last mainstream medication for ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia I haven't taken yet, which is Savella.  Since Savella can't be taken at the same time as an SSRI, I'm tapering off Zoloft and starting on Amitriptyline, a tricyclic antidepressant.  After I'm completely off  Zoloft (in two weeks or so), I'll start taking the Savella and see what happens.  I'm not getting my hopes up since no other prescription medication I've tried has helped, but I feel I have to try everything that's "out there" before resorting to more extreme measures such as B Cell Depletion Therapy which involves toxic chemo-therapy drugs.  If this latest experiment fails, I'll be making an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Andreas Kogelnik at Stanford who is leading much of the research being done on B Cell Depletion Therapy for ME/CFS in the USA.  I have some links and other information about this subject on my website: ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia Awareness - B Cell Depletion Therapy.

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