Saturday, March 12, 2011

So Very Sick and Tired

I feel absolutely horrible today.  I know my husband is growing tired of my being sick all the time but I'm so hurt by his apparent apathy.  I realize it must be hard to live with someone who's unable to do things she used to be able to, or things most anyone else can do for that matter.  He just can't seem to get it through his head that it's my body and mind that are suffering.  I think he's more upset about my not being able to do house chores or take care of the baby more than he is about my suffering.   I'm  starting to think that if I can't find a way to manage this disease he'll get sick of having to do house chores and not having sex when ever he wants because I'm in too much pain or too weak, and leave.  I know he'd never want to be away from is daughter who he loves more than life itself so I can foresee a painful custody battle (that I can easily win) and my moving back east to be near my family who will actually help me and care for me.  Then he can go find some slut who will have sex when ever he wants (which is always).  Is the man I married really that shallow?  I find the thought crossing my mind more and more and it hurts when it does.  This disease is going to ruin my life on so many levels.  My doctor doesn't return my calls and my husband thinks I'm a hypochondriac or something.  I don't know what he really thinks because he won't talk to me.  He doesn't know how to talk to me or anyone for that matter.  How can I be so depressed when I have so many antidepressants coursing through my veins.  I can't stop crying. 

I'm supposed to have a doctor appointment Monday.  I feel like a broken record or more like a fool.  I sometimes think I'm the victim of a cruel lab experiment.  How long can we string her along before she completely looses her mind.  If that's the case, the experiment may soon be over.  Especially if it destroys my marriage.

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