Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I Can Hardly Lift My Baby Girl

My cousin, who I haven't seen in fifteen years, is visiting us for two days.  We've been doing a lot of catching up.  She's been telling us about her adventures hiking all over the world and mentioned wanting to do some hiking while she was here on the island.  I gave her a hiking map and sent her on her way.  She hiked the trails I used to hike regularly but haven't seen the summits of for over a year.  I said that I'd love to go with her but that I'm not able to since Fybromyalgia took over my life.  I don't know if she really understood but she acknowledged what I said and went on her way.  I went home to take a nap since I'd overexerted myself big time walking as far as I had.  I viewed her pictures of the Pacific Ocean from the other side of the island when she got back and I knew I may never see those views with my own eyes again.

My husband is back for a few days before he returns to the mainland to take care of things with his mom.  She's out of the hospital but not doing very well.  I suppose they're just trying to treat her symptoms and pain now.

I took my daughter to the doctor today for her one year check up.  My mom, who is visiting from NJ, came with me since I am unable to pick my daughter up and carry her for any length of time.  My mom carried her into the exam room and to the scale to have her weighed.  I felt like and unfit mother.  I can barely take care of my own child.  When I found out she'd only gained 1.75 pounds since her last check up three months ago my heart ached.  The doctor said she was still within average limits but I felt negligent anyway.  I'm beyond frustrated.  Will I ever be able to live again?

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