Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Alpha Nutrition Diet - Take Two

Now that I'm finally feeling a little more stable, mentally, it's time to get back to my "I'll try anything..." mode.  Researching this stuff and trying new things is the only thing that keeps me from slipping down "the black hole" of hopelessness.  Maybe I haven't fully accepted that I'm chronically ill.  I still have a feeling deep down that if I keep trying different things, I'll eventually find what's causing this and continue leading my life where I left off two years ago.  Maybe this is naive but I'm not to the stage yet where I can accept that this is how I will possibly feel for the rest of my life. 

So......I'm trying the "Alpha Nutrition Diet for Aching and Fatigue" again.  I posted about it some months ago and made it to day two, I think.  The timeline is ten days and I'm on day three this time.  I've ingested nothing but Alpha ENF, white rice, water and juice.  Surprisingly, I feel pretty good (relatively speaking of course).  My energy level seems better than normal, which, I didn't expect so early on.  It's hard to resist the few holiday treats still lingering around but it is nice not having to think about what to eat. 

The Delayed Pattern Food Allergy hypothesis did make a lot of sense to me when I read about it.  One of the things researchers think might be causing these unusual food allergies, are all the chemicals, like pesticides, that are in the food we eat.  Our immune systems go into overdrive trying to attack them then get stuck in this hypersensitive mode and begin attacking things that aren't harmful to your body.  Some theories add that this hypersensitivity is what eventually causes autoimmune disease, when your immune system starts attacking your organs.  Personally, I'm sure I've ingested enough chemicals to easily make my immune system crazy.  I don't do much cooking (to put it mildly) and I've been know to eat every meal of my day out of a box.

Well, I hope I make it to day ten this time.  Who knows, maybe it'll actually make me feel better.  I have to have the hope that it will.  For more information about the Alpha Nutrition Program here's the link:  http://www.nutramed.com/alpha/index.htm

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