So, I've been on a strictly vegan diet for a couple weeks now. I still don't have any definitive answers regarding the effectiveness of this diet on my condition but I do think I generally have more energy, as I wrote in my last post.
The only negative thing about this diet I have discovered so far, are the...well...digestive issues. Without going into much disgusting detail, I'll just say that the dramatic increase of fiber in my diet had some pretty gross side effects. I went online to see if others were having the same problem and they most certainly were. Apparently this is a common issue for many people during the first couple weeks on an exclusively plant based diet. I made a few adjustments, such as, reducing my daily intake of legumes and fruit and it seemed to eliminate the "problems" almost immediately. In fact, the very first day I adjusted my diet, I experienced almost no stomach discomfort.
So, if you're struggling with some of the same issues, hang in there. Just try adjusting things a little at a time and I'm sure you too will find a balance that makes your digestive system happy.
To follow up on an earlier post (Being a Mom With ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia), my time has officially run out with regards to the St. Patrick's Day fundraiser at my daughter's pre-school. In last months newsletter, the teachers had asked if parents would plan to help with the corn-beef and cabbage dinner (talk about digestive issues) they were having to raise money for the school. When I attended a parents meeting, the director brought this subject up and I sunk down in my chair, hoping no one would notice that I hadn't volunteered for anything. Since then, I've been wondering what I would say when someone finally asked me point-blank if they could count on me. Fortunately, the request came in the form of an email which didn't put me on the spot as much as I had imagined. I explained that while I would be happy to bake cookies or cupcakes for the event, I wouldn't be able to work at the dinner due to my "Fibromyalgia (among other things)". I continued by writing that I had many physical limitations and that I had been forced to quit my job as a result.
I don't know what the director's reaction will be when she reads the email tomorrow morning, but I'll find out when I drop my daughter off. I will also have to admit that neither my husband or I were able to sell even one of the eight tickets to the event each parent had been given.
I know, intellectually, it's not my fault that I won't be participating in the St. Patrick's Day dinner, but emotionally, the whole situation just makes me feel like a terrible mother and I fear that's how others will view me.
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