Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Peaches & Cream & Funky Carpet

My doctor has prescribed some new medication.  She took me off Zoloft and Flexoril and replaced them with Cymbalta and Nurontin.  Both of these new medications have some seriously inconvenient side effects .  I've been on them for about two weeks now and I'm still feeling nauseated, dizzy, super fatigued, weak and sweating like a pig.  In the past couple of days I've also been getting horrible headaches along with everything else.  I feel horrible.  I'm trying to run the hotel while taking care of my seventeen month old daughter at the same time and it's really sucking the life out of me.  This is our high season here and the phones are ringing off the hook.  The moment I pick up the phone my daughter screams on the top of her lungs which makes for a great impression to potential guests. 

It certainly doesn't help matters that I've found my husband is pretty much unable to deal with my illness.  Somehow, he feels sorry for himself and thinks he's getting the short end of the stick.  I have to keep reminding him that I'm the one who's sick and that it really sucks for me too (to put it very mildly).  Today I had a mini-meltdown (if there is such a thing).  My husband had apparently dumped water on the carpet (again) and neglected  to sop it up thoroughly.  Since it's been really warm the past few days, the spill, of which I was unaware of until today, had started to ferment making the carpet smell somewhat like cat piss.  This is not the first time this has happened and  I thought we had learned last time that when you spill something on the carpet and don't clean it up (especially in the summer) it quickly takes on a life of it's own...literally .  This smell does wonders for my nausea.  Well, this afternoon as I was discovering the source of the horrible smell, my daughter walked over to where I was sitting on the carpet and proceeded to slowly pour her peaches along with the syrup from her fruit cup on to the floor next to the existing funk.  I pretty much lost it at that point.  I just layed down on the floor and cried.  My daughter was very confused and a bit distressed I think because she kept trying to lift my head with her little hand.  My husband had been trying to take a nap because he had to get up at five am to take out a fishing charter.  I walked in the bedroom and told him I was sorry, but he was going to have to forgo the nap for today.

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